A blast shook the Kolkata neighborhood of Chitpore's Jyotinagar colony yesterday afternoon, killing four. There was an immediate concern that this was indeed the fulfillment of terrorist bomb threats released earlier last week that had caused an increase in security throughout the city. Last night police were everywhere, carrying large military riffles and setting up check points at busy intersections throughout the city. Park Street (my usual hang out) still welcomed families out for a Sunday evening stroll and ice cream cone, but the city was much quieter than most weekends I have experienced here. There had been a bomb scare at the airport earlier in the weekend as well when three unclaimed bags were found sitting in an airport terminal. Upon further inspection of both instances, Kolkata police have ruled out terrorist activity... this time. The airport bags were not bombs, and the deadly blast was caused by an abandoned military shell on the road. Here is the link to the Times of India article for those who are interested: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Bomb_explosion_kills_four_in_Kolkata/rssarticleshow/3321890.cms
After the bombings in Bangalore and Amedabad, all of India is on a heightened sense of alert when it comes to terrorist threats. Things are tense here, and street conversations often include phrases such as 'what is this world we now find ourselves in?'. India is such a beautiful country in so many ways; the kindness of Indians can be rivaled by none. Still, tensions run high, particularly when religion comes into the mix. While this time it was not terrorist activity that produced the deadly explosion, there is still a sense that the City of Joy is merely biding its time before something unspeakable happens at the hands of extremists. What is this world we now find ourselves in, indeed.
After the bombings in Bangalore and Amedabad, all of India is on a heightened sense of alert when it comes to terrorist threats. Things are tense here, and street conversations often include phrases such as 'what is this world we now find ourselves in?'. India is such a beautiful country in so many ways; the kindness of Indians can be rivaled by none. Still, tensions run high, particularly when religion comes into the mix. While this time it was not terrorist activity that produced the deadly explosion, there is still a sense that the City of Joy is merely biding its time before something unspeakable happens at the hands of extremists. What is this world we now find ourselves in, indeed.
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