Monday, July 7, 2008

Bengali Worship at Duff Church

So I went to Duff Church yesterday morning. I met the pastor at the Dalit Bible Commentary release party earlier in the week, and he invited me to come. I knew when I went that is was another Church of Scotland-founded CNI congregation, so I was a little worried about not visiting a non-Anglican service this week. I shouldn't have been. The congregation is Bengali at Duff Church, and the entire service was in the Bengali language! I did not understand what was being said, but I was able to follow the basic movement of the service for the most part. Even the hymns were in Bengali, though a few were merely translations of familiar English hymns (so I sung along in my head with those).

Also, the Bishop of CNI-Kolkata was there to preach. He spoke for 50 minutes (which was absolutely painful, since I couldn't understand a word he was saying... maybe I should learn Bengali...). While the message was lost to me, he was very animated in his delivery. I wish I had known if the content matched the presentation. Sunday was a communion Sunday as well. I was happy to have it, but missed hearing the familiar Words of Institution. I hope the church in Mungeli has communion every Sunday, so I can be fed by the spirit of a good-old Disciples' Lord's Supper.

I am hungry for it! Overall, the music was the high point of the Duff Church service (I know, totally shocking that I would feel that way!). The instrument was an odd combo of a keyboard and accordion, but it was stationary (I should do some sleuthing and find the name). It was way cool! Plus, the singing was beautiful; I love the different note combinations in Indian music. I know, usually, where Western music will go next (the note movements are so familiar), but Indian music is such a surprise! It makes me feel like a beginning music student again, and I had forgotten how much fun it is!

All in all, I really enjoyed the service, even though I didn't really understand the words. I guess that is probably how many Roman Catholics felt pre-Vatican II.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bethany, just wanted to let you know I'm enjoying reading your blog. I've linked to it from our News Muse blog and also from the DisciplesWorld blog page.


Rebecca Woods