Thursday, July 3, 2008

Shout out to the Rs!

Rosie called last night and it was lovely! I do admit that while I am really enjoying myself here, I get extremely lonely for my friends and family at home. Two weeks should not be enough to be so homesick (I've taken vacations longer than that!), but the extremity of this experience magnifies everything. I long to simply hear that about the mundane details of my loved ones' days (thanks Rob, again for your fantastic email the other day)... and yes, this is a not so subtle hint to say that I welcome emails! But I really do appreciate the little notes and messages that folks have sent along over the past few weeks. It make my day a little less monsoon-y to hear from the States. Traveling alone is difficult, even with new friends along the way. Steph, I have serious respect for what you've been doing for the past couple of years!


Heidi Haverkamp said...

Hey Bethany... I have quite a few memories of being lonely abroad, myself. The 2 weeks might feel longer than it seems like they should because you have eight more ahead of you -- this isn't just a jaunt on a lark, you're going to be there for a good chunk of time. And it's VERY different from home. Lots of emotional fatigue, I imagine. I pray that you will feel God close by, and pray with others, if you can!

Stephanie said...

Hey thanks for the shout out! Traveling alone can be very isolating, and it does get lonely, but think of it as summer camp --- your parents drop you off screaming that you don't want to go, and pick you up screaming that you don't want to leave. It's a growth thing. I only really hit my stride after about 4 months living out of a backpack.... only then did I really, really not at all want to come home. So just embrace it and think of how many people are jealous of you right now. You're in India!!